ICONS basin atlas: Arabian Peninsula

The ICONS basin atlas is a collection of basin data for selected regions of the globe, displaying crustal structure data, computed extension factors and tectonic subsidence grids and derivatives thereof as well as the dynamic topography evolution of a given basin.

Regional overview page

This page bundles the available data for the Arabian Peninsula region. The images are hyperlinks and will open up a separate window with a high resolution PDF image of the map.

Regional basin list

To view the data for individual basins, select a basin from the dropdown menu below or click the basin name in the overview table. This will open a separate page with detailed maps.

ID Basin name Diff. β (rim)
Diff. β (rim)
Anom. TTS (rim)
(median) [km]
Anom. TTS (rim)
(max.) [km]
Sed. thickness
(median) [km]
Sed. thickness
(max) [km]
5530 Widyan-Mesopotamia Province (Arabian Basin) 0.14 2.2 0.99 4.43 4.37 9.6
5230 Oman Basin 0.02 2.26 0.14 5.77 2.52 7.39
5510 Rub' Al Khali Province (Arabian Basin) 0.3 1.87 2.6 5.1 3.57 7.4
5520 Western Arabian Province (Arabian Basin) 0.22 0.76 1.97 3.4 2.26 7.72
5540 Central Arabian Province (Arabian Basin) 0.26 2.35 1.66 4.6 4.05 9.79
5500 Sir-Sayun Basin -0.04 0.15 -0.3 1.71 0.8 1.12
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Dynamic topography for basin centroids

The dynamic topography history for the different basins is derived by tracking the basin centroid for any given basin in a region. The paleo-location for the basin centroid is computed using the EarthByte plate kinematic framework.

The dynamic topography model is derived from the S20RTS seismic tomography model (Ritsema et al., 99) by converting seismic velocites to density anomalies using an empirical scaling factor of 0.25. The density anomalies are then advected back in time to compute mantle flow with plate motions superimposed (using the EarthByte plate rotation framework) as surface boundary conditions. The dynamic topography is then derived from the computed density distribution using a free upper boundary. For details regarding the methodology see the following papers:

  • B. Steinberger, H. Schmeling, and G. Marquart. Large-scale lithospheric stress field and topography induced by global mantle circulation. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 186:75-91, 2001.
    doi: 10.1016/S0012-821X(01)00229-1.
  • B. Steinberger. Effects of latent heat release at phase boundaries on flow in the Earth's mantle, phase boundary topography and dynamic topography at the Earth's surface. Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 164:2-20, 2007.
    doi: 10.1016/j.pepi.2007.04.021.

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Dynamic topography vs. anomalous tectonic subsidence
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available


This plot show the amount of total dynamic topography for the last 70 Ma plotted versus the computed anomalous tectonic subsidence for any given basin in this region. The basins are identified by their basin ID (a four-digit number), this number is used as unique identifier throughout this study.

The dynamic topography model is the same as used in the dynamic topography evolution of the basin. For the computation of anomalous tectonic subsidence, please refer to Thesis Chapter 4 and compare the anomalous tectonic subsidence maps for the individual basins and the region.

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Topography (ETOPO2)
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available


For explanation to the data source or computation of this grid please follow this link. Clicking the image will open a high-res PDF of the map. Units in the statistics table are same as map units. Z_min and Z_max refer to the minima and maxima with their respective geographic locations.

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There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available


For explanation to the data source or computation of this grid please follow this link. Clicking the image will open a high-res PDF of the map. Units in the statistics table are same as map units. Z_min and Z_max refer to the minima and maxima with their respective geographic locations.

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Mantle density SMEAN (500km depth)
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available


For explanation to the data source or computation of this grid please follow this link. Clicking the image will open a high-res PDF of the map. Units in the statistics table are same as map units. Z_min and Z_max refer to the minima and maxima with their respective geographic locations.

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Mantle density SMEAN (790km depth)
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available


For explanation to the data source or computation of this grid please follow this link. Clicking the image will open a high-res PDF of the map. Units in the statistics table are same as map units. Z_min and Z_max refer to the minima and maxima with their respective geographic locations.

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Mobil isopachs
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available


For explanation to the data source or computation of this grid please follow this link. Clicking the image will open a high-res PDF of the map. Units in the statistics table are same as map units. Z_min and Z_max refer to the minima and maxima with their respective geographic locations.

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Thermal lithospheric thickness
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available


For explanation to the data source or computation of this grid please follow this link. Clicking the image will open a high-res PDF of the map. Units in the statistics table are same as map units. Z_min and Z_max refer to the minima and maxima with their respective geographic locations.

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Depth of 550 deg isotherm
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available


For explanation to the data source or computation of this grid please follow this link. Clicking the image will open a high-res PDF of the map. Units in the statistics table are same as map units. Z_min and Z_max refer to the minima and maxima with their respective geographic locations.

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Lithospheric temperature gradient
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available


For explanation to the data source or computation of this grid please follow this link. Clicking the image will open a high-res PDF of the map. Units in the statistics table are same as map units. Z_min and Z_max refer to the minima and maxima with their respective geographic locations.

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Temperature at 50km depth
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available


For explanation to the data source or computation of this grid please follow this link. Clicking the image will open a high-res PDF of the map. Units in the statistics table are same as map units. Z_min and Z_max refer to the minima and maxima with their respective geographic locations.

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Laske sediment thickness
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available


For explanation to the data source or computation of this grid please follow this link. Clicking the image will open a high-res PDF of the map. Units in the statistics table are same as map units. Z_min and Z_max refer to the minima and maxima with their respective geographic locations.

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Total crustal thickness
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available


For explanation to the data source or computation of this grid please follow this link. Clicking the image will open a high-res PDF of the map. Units in the statistics table are same as map units. Z_min and Z_max refer to the minima and maxima with their respective geographic locations.

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Base hard sediments
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available


For explanation to the data source or computation of this grid please follow this link. Clicking the image will open a high-res PDF of the map. Units in the statistics table are same as map units. Z_min and Z_max refer to the minima and maxima with their respective geographic locations.

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Base upper crust
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available


For explanation to the data source or computation of this grid please follow this link. Clicking the image will open a high-res PDF of the map. Units in the statistics table are same as map units. Z_min and Z_max refer to the minima and maxima with their respective geographic locations.

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Base middle crust
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available


For explanation to the data source or computation of this grid please follow this link. Clicking the image will open a high-res PDF of the map. Units in the statistics table are same as map units. Z_min and Z_max refer to the minima and maxima with their respective geographic locations.

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Base lower crust
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available


For explanation to the data source or computation of this grid please follow this link. Clicking the image will open a high-res PDF of the map. Units in the statistics table are same as map units. Z_min and Z_max refer to the minima and maxima with their respective geographic locations.

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Plain crustal thickness
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available


For explanation to the data source or computation of this grid please follow this link. Clicking the image will open a high-res PDF of the map. Units in the statistics table are same as map units. Z_min and Z_max refer to the minima and maxima with their respective geographic locations.

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Mantle Lid thickness
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available


For explanation to the data source or computation of this grid please follow this link. Clicking the image will open a high-res PDF of the map. Units in the statistics table are same as map units. Z_min and Z_max refer to the minima and maxima with their respective geographic locations.

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Isostatic correction
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available


For explanation to the data source or computation of this grid please follow this link. Clicking the image will open a high-res PDF of the map. Units in the statistics table are same as map units. Z_min and Z_max refer to the minima and maxima with their respective geographic locations.

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TTS (sediment)
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available


For explanation to the data source or computation of this grid please follow this link. Clicking the image will open a high-res PDF of the map. Units in the statistics table are same as map units. Z_min and Z_max refer to the minima and maxima with their respective geographic locations.

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Beta (Sediment)
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available


For explanation to the data source or computation of this grid please follow this link. Clicking the image will open a high-res PDF of the map. Units in the statistics table are same as map units. Z_min and Z_max refer to the minima and maxima with their respective geographic locations.

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Crustal vs lithosph. extn.
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available


For explanation to the data source or computation of this grid please follow this link. Clicking the image will open a high-res PDF of the map. Units in the statistics table are same as map units. Z_min and Z_max refer to the minima and maxima with their respective geographic locations.

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Anomalous TTS
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available


For explanation to the data source or computation of this grid please follow this link. Clicking the image will open a high-res PDF of the map. Units in the statistics table are same as map units. Z_min and Z_max refer to the minima and maxima with their respective geographic locations.

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Predicted elevation
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available


For explanation to the data source or computation of this grid please follow this link. Clicking the image will open a high-res PDF of the map. Units in the statistics table are same as map units. Z_min and Z_max refer to the minima and maxima with their respective geographic locations.

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Beta (Crust)
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available


For explanation to the data source or computation of this grid please follow this link. Clicking the image will open a high-res PDF of the map. Units in the statistics table are same as map units. Z_min and Z_max refer to the minima and maxima with their respective geographic locations.

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TTS (crust)
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available


For explanation to the data source or computation of this grid please follow this link. Clicking the image will open a high-res PDF of the map. Units in the statistics table are same as map units. Z_min and Z_max refer to the minima and maxima with their respective geographic locations.

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Differential Beta
There is no grid with 2m resolution for this region available


For explanation to the data source or computation of this grid please follow this link. Clicking the image will open a high-res PDF of the map. Units in the statistics table are same as map units. Z_min and Z_max refer to the minima and maxima with their respective geographic locations.

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This basin data sheet is based on interpolated and upsampled global grids.

Page created 2008-08-03 02:36:35 CEST | © 2005-2008 Christian Heine, School of Geosciences, Sydney University, Australia