The supplementary data and videos in this archive are related to the publication: Manley et al. (2020): Modeling the dynamic landscape evolution of a volcanic coastal environment under future climate trajectories, Frontiers in Earth Science. The zipped archive contains the model output from each scenario, supplying h5 & xmf files for each time stamp, the input xml, and two xdmf files for each scenario. The videos folder contains a set of animations of the model output from the landscape evolution model of the Tweed Caldera catchment (eastern Australia) under different future climatic scenarios (i.e. RCPs 2.6, 8.5, 4.5AIS, 8.5AIS, and +15% precipitation). RCP2.6 Animation: With very few climatic variations under RCP 2.6, compared to the rest of the scenarios, landscape response was modest as expected. The main impacts to upstream catchment observed in the model output were effects to the drainage network (i.e. main channels and tributaries). These effects occurred in the form of river avulsions and slight infill of inland bodies of water and bays. All of these impacts were due to the changing rates of erosion and deposition caused by the variation in local climate. By 2100 a total of ~30 million m3 ± ~1.4 million m3 is deposited and by the end of the model run ~106.5 million m3 ± ~32 million m3 of mafic sediment is deposited into erosive environments, with an average deposited sediment thickness of ~4 m. RCP8.5 Animation: Due to significant variation of local climate in the RCP 8.5 scenario, the consequential impacts to landscape dynamics are accentuated compared to the previous scenarios. Under this “business as usual” scenario, sea level rise plays a huge role in landscape dynamics. Significant amounts of sediment are deposited into the ocean through mainstreams, but once SLR becomes significant enough, marine deposition stops. This forces large amounts of sedimentation inland, near coastal areas and within the floodplain, where weathering will occur. During the first century, sedimentation of the floodplain occurs at a slightly faster rate than the previous scenarios and a total of ~32 million m3 ± ~1.4 million m3 of sediment is deposited. Once SLR becomes dramatic enough to control the regional dynamic impact, there is a slowing of the deposition within the floodplain, in which ~107 million m3 ± ~32 million m3 are deposited by 2500, and an increase of deposition in other areas of the studied region (i.e. the deposition is pushed north and south along the coast). This deposition within the floodplain results in an average thickness of deposited sediment of ~4 m. Eventually, inundation due to dramatic SLR is the main climatic forcing controlling inland dynamic response. RCP4.5 AIS Animation: Under RCP 4.5, DeConto & Pollard projected minor contributions from the Antarctic Ice Sheet to global sea level rise [2016]. Model output shows a similar landscape reaction to RCPs 2.6 & 4.5 under this scenario, due to a tipping point not being hit. There is an accentuated impact under RCP 4.5 AIS towards the end of the model run, due to slightly higher SLR rates. Deposition within the floodplain remains similar to those previous scenarios as well, with ~30 million m3 ± ~1.4 million m3 deposited within the floodplain by 2100 and ~163 million m3 ± ~32 million m3 by 2500, resulting in an average sediment thickness of ~6 m. RCP8.5 AIS Animation: Under RCP 8.5 AIS a tipping point is hit early in the scenario and the AIS contributes significantly to global sea level rise [DeConto & Pollard, 2016]. In response, the dynamics and landscape of the modeled basin are heavily impacted with new dynamical responses being observed as SLR hits a certain threshold. For the first few centuries (2020-2200) basin impacts are relatively similar to those seen under RCP 8.5, illustrated by the deposition of ~27 million m3 ± ~1.4 million m3 of sediment within the floodplain by 2100. Eventually, the tipping point hit in the AIS causes extreme amounts of SLR and this forces all deposition upstream, resulting in ~315 million m3 ± ~68 million m3 of deposition within the floodplain by 2500 and an average thickness of ~11.5 m, as well as inundating the entire coastline. This increase in floodplain sedimentation causes a large rise in elevation within the area by the end of the simulation. Other than forcing changes in elevation, sedimentation is not sufficient to fill the accommodation space formed by extreme rates of sea-level rise. This scenario would scatter a significant amount of newly eroded/deposited olivine within environments in which weathering could occur for a sustained period of time. +15% Precipitation Animation: When the basin was put under a stress of a 15% increase to the rate of precipitation by 2100, without any SLR, Model output shows a noticeably different impact. Sediments are discharged into the ocean, miniscule amounts of inland deposition occur, evidenced by a total deposition within the floodplain of ~30 million m3 ± ~1.4 million m3 by 2100 and ~88 million m3 ± ~32 million m3 and an average thickness of ~3.5 m by 2500. Consequently there is very little infill of inland bodies of water, but the southern avulsion of the mainstream stem still occurs. These precipitation scenarios illustrate the influence sea level rise has on the landscape dynamics of this region. Comparatively, when holding sea levels constant the effect seen to the regional sedimentation, landscape, and dynamics is significantly smaller. Even with large increases in precipitation (10 - 15%) and subsequent increases in local erosion, the depositional and landscape response were still relatively small. Although the erosion rates increase, most of the newly eroded sediment are fully transported through the river systems and deposited into the ocean. Some sediment is deposited within the floodplain, but not enough to cause significant inland impacts or any significant accumulation until much later in the scenarios. These scenarios effectively demonstrate the interplay of regional sea level rise and inland landscape dynamics.