This director contains supplementary oceanic crustal CO2 and bottom water temperature grids for the paper: Müller, R.D., Dutkiewicz, A., 2018, Oceanic crustal carbon cycle drives 26 million-year atmospheric carbon dioxide periodicities, Science Advances, 4:eaaq0500, 1-7. See the methods section of the open-access paper for details. The jupyter notebooks and associated python scripts to compute ridge length, SFS rates, convergence rates, and for sampling grids along subduction zones can be found at the EarthByte PlateTectonicTools repository: The three notebooks used in this paper are: The notebook for sampling rasters along subduction zones also outputs total subduction zone length. Note that this computation is not always entirely accurate if the plate topology model includes minor errors. In a perfect, time-dependent plate topology model each line segment needs to be shared by exactly two plates. A script designed to deal with plate topology deficiencies in terms of computing subduction zone length can be found here: