README Sabin Zahirovic (28 May 2012) 1_GPlatesInputModels These folders contain the GPlates input files. They can be loaded directly into GPlates, with instructions and tutorials offered here: . However, the included models are an earlier iteration that only go back to 140 Ma. This is because the final version that was used for the G3 paper included in-house and not-yet-published deformation models for certain regions back to 200 Ma. In the interim, we will provide the early version - where the back-arc and Tethyan subduction scenario is very similar, and we will update this dataset in the future with the version that was used to accompany the G-Cubed publication. 2_PlateModels_Animations These folders contain MOV animations of the plate models that were used in the G-Cubed paper. Plate velocities, plate boundaries and seafloor age-grids are plotted. 3_CitcomS_Animations These JPGs show the evolution of the subduction zone in the two end-member scenarios of Tethyan subduction from the CitcomS model output. 4_CitcomS_Temperature Time-dependent temperature field output Scenario1/ - Contains time-dependent depth slices of CitcomS output for the Conventional Model with long-lived Andean-style subduction Scenario2/ - Contains time-dependent depth slices of CitcomS output for the Alternative Model with a back-arc - Can be used to convert depth slices (zXXX) to real depth, with column 1 being the CitcomS vertical node and the equivalent radial value, where 0.55 is the CMB and 1 is the earth surface. The timesteps are integers of model runtime, and the PS/JPGs show the geological time. 5_CitcomS_LateralMantleFlow Lateral mantle flow velocities in the following format X Y A M Where X is longitude, Y is latitude, A is Azimuth in degrees clockwise from north and M is scaled magnitude in cm/yr. To convert to actual magnitude, then multiply the value by 10. This was done to help with plotting of velocity vectors in GMT. 6_CitcomS_VerticalGrids Time-dependent vertical grids of subduction evolution These grids are provided for both scenarios through time, and the profile used on the earth's surface to sample the depth grids is also included in the sub-folders. The grid files here, and elsewhere in the attached folders, are in GMT NetCDF formats. If you use any of the resources, please cite the following publication: Zahirovic, S., R. D. Müller, M. Seton, N. Flament, M. Gurnis, and J. Whittaker (2012), Insights on the kinematics of the India-Eurasia collision from global geodynamic models, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems. If you want to convert any of the included PS (PostScript) figures to JPG, then use the GMT command "ps2raster", e.g. ps2raster -Tj -A