The ARC Basin Genesis Hub has made a new interactive rift obliquity globe available on the GPlates Portal at, based on a recently published paper entitled “Oblique rifting: the rule, not the exception” in Solid Earth. This virtual globe visualizes extension velocities and obliquities within Earth’s major post-Pangea rift systems. Each circle depicts the rift kinematics of one passive margin point, with the circle size representing rift velocity and the circle colour representing rift obliquity. The geologic time and the layout can be changed at the top of the screen. By clicking on a circle, the entire velocity and obliquity evolution of this point is plotted from rift inception to break-up. Velocity histories of any given point can be downloaded as ascii files.
Read more about this open-access work here: Sascha Brune, Simon Williams, and Dietmar Muller, 2018, Oblique rifting: the rule, not the exception, Solid Earth, 9, 1187-1206,