What is EarthByte?

What is EarthByte?

EarthByte is an internationally leading eGeoscience collaboration between several Australian Universities, international centres of excellence and industry partners. One of the fundamental aims of the EarthByte Group is geodata synthesis through space and time, assimilating the wealth of disparate geological and geophysical data into a four-dimensional Earth model including tectonics, geodynamics and surface processes. The EarthByte Group is pursuing open innovation via collaborative software development, high performance and distributed computing, “big … Read more…

STELLAR – Spatio TEmporaL expLorAtion for Resources

STELLAR – Spatio TEmporaL expLorAtion for Resources

Project STELLAR (Spatio TEmporaL expLorAtion for Resources) is a collaboration between BHP and the EarthByte Group aimed at implementing big and complex spatio-temporal data analysis and modelling to support the needs of BHP in global resource exploration. Split into multiple phases over the next 3.5 years, the project will connect BHP’s warehouse of global resource knowledge with the EarthByte Group’s expertise in tectonic, geodynamic and surface process modelling. STELLAR is structured into … Read more…

Geo★ Down Under

Geo★ Down Under

Geo★ Down Under is an open and self-organising community loosely coordinated by Louis Moresi of the ANU. We welcome new writers, editors and supporters. If you are interested, drop us a line: editors_gdu@agora.geo-down-under.geoscience.education We receive support from AuScope to power the engines behind the website and the community forum and mailing lists. AuScope also provides us with writing support and generating new material. The Specialist Group in Solid Earth Geophysics (SGSEG) of the Geological … Read more…

PLATO – PLAte Tectonics and Ore deposits

PLATO – PLAte Tectonics and Ore deposits

Project PLATO is an ARC Linkage project as a collaboration between the EarthByte Group and Lithodat. CIs, PIs and AIs include Dietmar Müller (Usyd) Maria Seton (Usyd) Sabin Zahirovic (Usyd) Sara Polanco (Usyd) Brent McInnes (Curtin Univ.) Fabian Kohlmann (Lithodat) In addition, Dr Ehsan Farahbakhsh is a research fellow and Elnaz Heidari is a PhD student in the project. Michael Chin (Usyd) is involved in connecting Lithodat and AuScope AusGeochem data … Read more…



GPlates is desktop software for the interactive visualisation of plate tectonics. The EarthByte Group leads the development of the open-source plate reconstruction software GPlates. GPlates enables the interactive manipulation of plate tectonic reconstructions and the visualisation of geodata through geological time, and it facilitates interoperability of plate tectonic data and models with geodynamic computing services for applied and fundamental research purposes. The EarthByte Group has now moved GPlates functionality into the … Read more…

GPlates Portal

GPlates Portal

The GPlates Portal is a free and interactive cloud-based tool that enables the visualisation of cutting-edge geoscience datasets. Using a published plate kinematic model, datasets can be reconstructed back through time to the Jurassic, 200 million years ago. Currently, global satellite-derived vertical gravity gradient data can be visualised via the Portal, and global maps of free-air gravity anomalies and magnetic anomalies can be tectonically reconstructed. The GPlates Portal is also … Read more…



GPlates development by the EarthByte Project is part of the AuScope infrastructure-development programme. AuScope Ltd is a non-profit company formed to facilitate the implementation of a world-class infrastructure system for earth science, funded by the Australian Government under the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS). The EarthByte Project participates in two components of the AuScope programme: the AuScope Grid AuScope Modelling & Simulation As part of this participation, GPlates developers … Read more…


Links to National and International Institutions and Centres of Excellence

Popular EarthByte Software and Data Products

Machine Learning for Critical Mineral Exploration

