Solid Earth carbon degassing and sequestration since 1 billion years ago

Solid Earth CO2 outgassing, driven by plate tectonic processes, is a key driver of carbon cycle models. However, the magnitudes and variations in outgassing are poorly constrained in deep-time. We assess plate tectonic carbon emissions and sequestration by coupling a plate tectonic model with reconstructions of oceanic plate carbon reservoirs and with a thermodynamic model … Read more…

What made Earth a giant snowball 700m years ago? Scientists have an answer

8 February 2024, University of Sydney Media release Historically low volcanic emissions and weathering events seem likely cause Dr Adriana Dutkiewicz was inspired during a field trip to the Flinders Ranges to find out how volcanic activity turned our blue dot to an ice covered planet. Together with Professor Dietmar Muller and the EarthByte group, … Read more…