Applied Geochemistry: Multivariate statistical analysis and bespoke deviation network modeling for geochemical anomaly detection of rare earth elements

Rare earth elements (REEs), a significant subset of critical minerals, play an indispensable role in modern society and are regarded as “industrial vitamins,” making them crucial for global sustainability. Geochemical survey data proves highly effective in delineating metallic mineral prospects. Separating geochemical anomalies associated with specific types of mineralization from the background reflecting geological processes … Read more…

PhD scholarship in Deep-Sea Sediments and Paleoclimate

This PhD project with Dr. Adriana Dutkiewicz in the Univ. of Sydney EarthByte Group is aimed at reconstructing the evolution of the deep-sea carbon reservoir and its impact on the long-term global carbon cycle as part of an ARC-funded Future Fellowship. It includes a stipend allowance of $28,854 per annum for three years (with an … Read more…