The efficiency of fractal techniques in geochemical anomaly delineation within BLEG and <180 μm stream sediments in Western Turkey

A new article published recently by Huseyin Yilmaz (Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey), Behnam Sadeghi (EarthByte Group, USYD), and David Cohen (UNSW) in Journal of Geochemical Exploration (JGE): Abstract: In regional exploration for Au mineralization using stream sediment geochemistry, multielement analysis following cyanide leaching of bulk samples or aqua regia digestion of the <180 μm fraction are the two most common … Read more…

Geochemical anomaly definition using stream sediments landscape modeling

A new research paper published in Ore Geology Reviews based on a collaboration between Dr. Behnam Sadeghi from EarthByte Group, USYD, and several research institutes in China, including: China University of Geosciences: State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources Hebei GEO University: 1) Institute of Resource and Environmental Engineering, 2) Hebei Key Laboratory … Read more…

PhD scholarship in Deep-Sea Sediments and Paleoclimate

This PhD project with Dr. Adriana Dutkiewicz in the Univ. of Sydney EarthByte Group is aimed at reconstructing the evolution of the deep-sea carbon reservoir and its impact on the long-term global carbon cycle as part of an ARC-funded Future Fellowship. It includes a stipend allowance of $28,854 per annum for three years (with an … Read more…

Special Issue: Mineral exploration: a journey from fieldwork, to laboratory work, computational modelling and mineral processing

Dr. Behnam Sadeghi from EarthByte Group, and Profs. Astrid Holzheid (Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Germany) and Hongbo Zhao (Central South University, China) organised a new Special Issue for the journal “Geochemistry” (former “Chemie der Erde”) in 2021, which has been published recently. This SI has covered some topics in mineral exploration, including fieldwork, laboratory work, computational modelling, … Read more…

Detection of mineralization stages using zonality and multifractal modeling based on geological and geochemical data in the Au-(Cu) intrusion-related Gouzal-Bolagh deposit, NW Iran

As the co- and corresponding author, Dr. Behnam Sadeghi, from EarthByte Group, has recently published this paper in “Ore Geology Reviews”. This research is based on a collaborative project with the Geological Survey of Iran. Abstract: The objective of this paper is to detect various gold and copper mineralization stages according to surface lithogeochemical data … Read more…

Simulated-multifractal models: A futuristic review of multifractal modeling in geochemical anomaly classification

Dr. Behnam Sadeghi, from EarthByte Group (USYD), has published a new review paper in “Ore Geology Reviews”. Sadeghi et al. (2015) proposed simulated-fractal models for the first time, which is based on the combination of geostatistical simulation models and mathematical fractal/multifractal modeling to classify geochemical anomalies. Based on that research, several other models have been … Read more…

International Association for Mathematical Geosciences (IAMG)’s Award Winners’ Talks

Dr. Behnam Sadeghi,  in 2020, was introduced as the first recipient of the “Founders Scholarship” award of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences (IAMG), now being presented annually to the most outstanding student or post-graduate scientist in the field of Mathematical Geosciences. This award is given in honor and memory of the individuals who participated … Read more…

Volcanoes acted as a safety valve for Earth’s long-term climate

Volcanoes acted as a safety valve for Earth’s long-term climate The natural weathering of rocks on Earth’s surface over time is a crucial process for removing CO2 from the atmosphere Researchers have now used artificial intelligence to study interactions between land, sea and the atmosphere to determine the biggest drivers of this process over the … Read more…

Continental arcs dominate global chemical weathering

Earth’s plate-tectonic activity regulates the carbon cycle and, hence, climate, via volcanic outgassing and silicate-rock weather- ing. Mountain building, arc–continent collisions and clustering of continents in the tropics have all been invoked as controlling the weathering flux, with arcs also acting as a major contributor of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. However, these processes have … Read more…

World Economic Forum: Watch how today’s continents were formed over one billion years – in just 40 seconds

The plate tectonic theory says that Earth’s surface is made up of slabs of rock that are slowly shifting right under our feet. Because of this constant movement, today’s Earth looks a lot different from what it did millions of years ago. In 1912, German scientist Alfred Wegener proposed that Earth’s continents once formed a … Read more…

The Conversation: Travelling through deep time to find copper for a clean energy future

More than 100 countries, including the United States and members of the European Union, have committed to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. The world is going to need a lot of metal, particularly copper. Recently, the International Energy Agency sounded the warning bell on the global supply of copper as the most widely used metal in renewable … Read more…

Kinematics and extent of the Piemont–Liguria Basin – implications for subduction processes in the Alps

Assessing the size of a former ocean of which only remnants are found in mountain belts is challenging but crucial to understanding subduction and exhumation processes. Here we present new constraints on the opening and width of the Piemont–Liguria (PL) Ocean, known as the Alpine Tethys together with the Valais Basin. We use a regional … Read more…

Predicting the emplacement of Cordilleran porphyry copper systems using a spatio-temporal machine learning model

Porphyry copper (Cu) systems occur along magmatic belts derived in subduction zones. Our current under- standing of their formation is restricted to observations from the overriding plate, resulting in a knowledge gap in terms of processes occurring in convergence zones through time. An association between key tectonic processes and the timing and location of porphyry … Read more…

Potential encoding of coupling between Milankovitch forcing and Earth’s interior processes in the Phanerozoic eustatic sea-level record

The driving mechanisms of Earth’s climate system at a multi-Myr timescale have received considerable attention since the 1980’s as they are deemed to control large-amplitude climatic variations that result in severe biogeochemical disruptions, major sea-level variations, and the evolution of Earth’s land- and seascapes through geological time. The commonly accepted mechanism for these changes derives … Read more…

Concentration-distance from centroids (C-DC) multifractal modeling: A novel approach to characterizing geochemical patterns based on sample distance from mineralization

Behnam Sadeghi from EarthByte Group has published a new paper in journal “Ore Geology Reviews”, based on his PhD thesis. In this research, to explore the VMS Cu deposits throughout Sweden a novel multifractal model of concentration-distance from centroids (C-DC) has been developed and applied to the till data provided by the Geological Survey of … Read more…

Research Associate/Research Fellow in Exploration

We are seeking to appoint an enthusiastic researcher at either a Level A or Level B to join the research team for the STELLAR project group (Spatio TEmporaL expLorAtion for Resources). STELLAR is a collaboration between BHP and the EarthByte Group at the University of Sydney aimed at implementing big and complex spatio-temporal data analysis … Read more…

Mantle plumes and their role in Earth processes

The existence of mantle plumes was first proposed in the 1970s to explain intra-plate, hotspot volcanism, yet owing to difficulties in resolving mantle upwellings with geophysical images and discrepancies in interpretations of geochemical and geochronological data, the origin, dynamics and composition of plumes and their links to plate tectonics are still contested. In a recently … Read more…

Geochemical anomaly definition using multifractal modeling, validated by geological field observations: Siah Jangal area, SE Iran

Dr. Behnam Sadeghi from EarthByte Group has published this paper recently in the journal “Geochemistry-Chemie der Erde” (Special Issue of “Mineral exploration: a journey from fieldwork, to laboratory work, computational modelling and mineral processing”). This research is part of a research project with the University of Neyshabur, which has been done in SE Iran. Abstract … Read more…

SPS Model: a significant algorithm to reduce the time and computer memory required in geostatistical simulations

Behnam Sadeghi has published this paper in the Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences. In this research, he has developed an algorithm to down-scale the maps, to reduce the simulation time and the required memory, but to keep the same geostatistical performance and accuracy. This model strongly helps with huge and time-consuming simulations. Abstract In geochemical … Read more…

The carbonate compensation depth in the South Atlantic Ocean since the Late Cretaceous

Carbonate accumulation rates (CAR) in the South Atlantic through time, with the average CCD for the South Atlantic shown in black, which the CCD in the Walvis Ridge/Rio Grande Rise area is shown in magenta. Deep-sea carbonate deposition is a complex process that is encapsulated in the carbonate compensation depth (CCD)—a facies boundary separating calcareous … Read more…


We are very excited to announce the launch of the newly designed GPlates website. Visit the new website at After a few months of team work and dedication, we have made the new GPlates website more responsive and more mobile-friendly. As the development team of the GPlates open source project, our goal with this … Read more…

Weighting of BLEG data with drainage and catchment properties to enhance Au anomalies

Weighting of BLEG data with drainage and catchment properties to enhance Au anomalies Dr. Behnam Sadeghi with Profs. Huseyin Yilmaz and Franco Pirajno, has published this paper in journal “Geochemistry/Chemie der Erde”, based on bulk leachable extractable gold (BLEG) data in Western Turkey, considering several other relevant parameters such catchments’ areas, slopes and curvatures plus … Read more…

Category-based fractal modelling: A novel model to integrate the geology into the data for more effective processing and interpretation

Category-based fractal modelling: A novel model to integrate the geology into the data for more effective processing and interpretation Dr. Behnam Sadeghi and his PhD supervisor, Prof. David Cohen, has published another paper in Journal of Geochemical Exploration. This paper is based on his PhD thesis. In this research, they have proposed two novel fractal … Read more…